Po-Ho Inhalation Oil – Peppermint, eucalyptus and other essential oilsEssential oils have become extremely popular and are used in many different ways. The key feature of essential oils is that they evaporate at room temperature – this is the reason they smell so pleasant. Apart from imparting a pleasant, relaxing aroma, essential oils can also help the body in other ways, forming the basis for aromatherapy as a healthcare discipline. In addition, the essential oils of Peppermint and Eucalyptus have been used traditionally to help maintain clear, cool breathing.Alfred Vogel first wrote about Po-Ho essential oil in March 1929 in his first magazine, Das Neue Leben (A Fresh Start). The name comes from Po-Ho, the (Mandarin) Chinese for peppermint, one of the five essential oils in this refreshing classic.
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